Delhi Plans To Hire 2,508 New Police Women, As Backlash From Gang Rape Continues In capital cityJanuary 2013: Police Women In The News

Photograph of Indian Police women



“India finally hit a tipping point on violence against women. Hiring more female police officers is only the first step” – Jane Hall



Government states that it hopes female police officers will make up 33 percent of total police force, and asks other states to replicate the move.

Delhi’s police force has announced it intends to hire, 2,508 new female police officers, on the heels of an announcement that female police would be made available at all 180 police stations in the Indian capital.


The announcement was made after international outrage over the gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old medical student on a Delhi bus in December, prompting the Indian government to quickly re-evaluate its protection of women.   Read more


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