Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony – Before The US Senate Committee





I just watched Christine BlaseyFord testify.

My years of experience interviewing sexual assault victims were not needed to form the opinion I believe her.Furthermore, it is my opinion Dr. Ford’s testimony was so compelling, emotionally raw, and unfiltered, no interview or legal experience is necessary to recognize truth.


Regardless of the what happens in the halls of American politics, the pain Dr. Ford endured today, her grace under pressure, and her courage has advanced the understanding of the trauma victims of sexual abuse suffer for all genders; more than that, it has dragged the dark dirty secret of prevalence of  predatory sexual behavior into mainstream discussion-on a global level.
My greatest hope is this testimony will energize the populations of all countries, especially first world countries, to stop turning a blind eye and demand government reform. Reform which will finally purge all systemic remnants of antiquated old school values; values which have protected offenders and silenced victims.
These reforms should begin with, but not be limited to, the education and justice systems. – Jane Hall
I encourage to you view Dr. Ford’s testimony in the video below.

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