Female Ontario Cops Tell Researcher That Boys’ Club Still Persists





“I find it heart breaking that current female police officers, in many police forces and counties, are not much better off than my generation of female police officers were in the 1970’s. Until Chiefs of Police, First Constables and Commissioners are held to account for “old boys clubs”, things will not change. Please read Dr. Susan Robinson’s article.” – Jane Hall

An analysis of in-depth interviews with 15 female police officers from five police forces across Southern Ontario finds policing is still a boys’ club, and female officers must ‘play the game’ to get ahead, according to researcher Lesley Bikos.

Being called names, including “kid sister,” “tomboy,” “badge bunny” and “crazy.”

Having to listen to sexist or racist jokes to be considered part of the club.

Hesitating to call for backup, because they worried they will be perceived as weak.

A researcher from the University of Western Ontario, herself a former police officer, has found that despite a growing number of women joining police ranks, the profession is still predominantly a man’s world — that inside the police station, the boys’ club lives on. – READ MORE


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